Yep, you already heard it: the glamorous THE MOVIE 411 BLOG AWARDS 2010 have been announced today at Dempsey's glamorous ceremony, and your HOLLYWOOD SPY is the big winner of the evening with two awards: BEST GOSSIP BLOG AWARD and the most prestigious one GOLD MOVIE BLOG AWARD. I'm especially stunned with the second one since 237 blogs competed in that category!
I would like to thank Sanders Academy for the amazing organization, above all Dempsey Sanders, the dashing
president and the owner of the Academy :) and his right hand Chris who counted hundreds and hundreds of votes.
I would mostly like to thank all you gorgeous little freaks for voting for your HOLLYWOOD SPY in past few weeks. You know Dezzy loves you and there's nothing you can do about it!
Big congrats to our dear Alex J. Cavanaugh who won THE BEST SF BLOG award, as we knew he would!